Prayer QuiltsSt. Clare DOK provides prayer quilts and prayer shawls when requested by any member of our parish. These are blessed at a Sunday Service before being given to the recipient. The prayer quilts are made with protruding strings of yarn that parishioners are invited to tie into knots – each knot accompanied by a prayer. These become visible signs of love, prayer and support to the recipient. If you would like to obtain a quilt or prayer shawl, please contact any DOK member.
Sunday Prayers of HealingMembers of the Daughters of the King are also at the Chapel altar rail during communion at both the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Sunday services for individual prayers for healing of oneself or others, travel, thanksgiving and/or any other prayers that you might need.
Please go to the Chapel altar rail after you receive communion. |
FIND US600 S. La Canada Dr.
Green Valley, AZ 85614 |